Collect Knowledge At every step of life
भारत सेवा संस्थान, 2 राना प्रताप मार्ग लखनऊ द्वारा संचालित

Honorable Dr. Ashok Bajpai

(MP Rajya Sabha)
President. Bharat Seva Sansthan & C. B. Gupta B. S. S. Mahavidyalaya 

Vice President
Shri Arun Kumar

Regional Head (Retd.) HUDCO Undertaking, Government of India
Vice president Bharat Seva Sansthan & C. B. Gupta B. S. S. Mahavidyalaya

Dr. J. N. Mishra

Former Professor & Head
Dept. Of Ayurveda Lucknow University
Mahamantri/Manager Bharat Seva Sansthan & C. B. Gupta B. S. S. Mahavidyalaya

  • To create an intellectually stimulating atmosphere for students where they not only develop an analytical and inquisitive mind but cultivate leadership qualities and become technology friendly.
  • Imparting skill-oriented education to the students of varying socio-economic strata.
  • To provide employment avenues to our students so that they can emerge as empowered individuals of our society.
  • All round personality development and confidence building of economically disadvantaged girl students through various co-curricular activities and improvement of communication skills.
  • Providing protection from gender crimes by teaching self-defence and martial art techniques.
  • To motivate the students to have a clear vision/aim of life through various counselling sessions and thus helping them in their choice of future profession.
  • The college envisions to empower and educate girl students coming from underprivileged and economically weaker sections of the society.
  • The college aims at sculpting out overall personalities of the students so that they become individuals equipped not only with knowledge but also endowed with eternal human values and zeal to bring about a positive change in the society thereby becoming responsible citizens of the country. This gets very aptly reflected through the motto of the college “Vidya dadati Vinayam”: True knowledge humbles a human being.
  • The college also aims at contributing in creating a society that has equal participation of women in all spheres of life . To make women not only educated but also support them to become financially independent and contribute towards the growth of the country. This is achieved through various unaided skill development courses being run in the college.
  • The College aims to empower the students with competitive spirit, entrepreneurship qualities and knowledge of rich heritage of our nation so that they become self-reliant,technically equipped and legally aware individuals able to meet regional, national and global challenges with confidence.

 “पढ़े विश्वविद्यालय, बढ़े विश्वविद्यालय; पढ़े महाविद्यालय, बढ़े महाविद्यालय। दहेज मुक्त भारत, नशामुक्त भारत की ओर एक कदम।

इस कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य उच्च शिक्षा को बढ़ावा देना और समाज में दहेज प्रथा एवं नशे के विरुद्ध जागरूकता फैलाना था। इसमें छात्रों, शिक्षकों एवं गैर शिक्षणेत्तर कर्मचारी ने भाग लिया।
कार्यक्रम दिनांक: 07.03.2025